As I said last week ... we're in full bank account recovery mode from our Paris extravaganza, so we are laying low for the next few weeks. Our England and Ireland trip is sneaking up fast, and I am putting the finishing touches on our itinerary. I just booked our tickets to the Stonehenge ... super excited about that little day trip. Vic's best friend lives in the city, so he's going to be our tour guide for a couple days as well. Dublin has been a little trickier to plan because we only have one full day in the city, but I'm sure we'll make the most of it. Speaking of trips ... just when I thought we were done planning - I found an amazing deal to Malaga, Spain for the week before Christmas, so I booked it! It was too good of a deal to pass up, and the hotel deals were equally great. We plan on renting a car and doing a day in Malaga, Seville, Ronda, and Morocco.
Basically, Vic and I are wrestling between doing the responsible thing by saving money, or living out our bucket list and seeing all that we possibly can. Right now the bucket list is winning. We may be kicking ourselves in seven months when we're counting our pennies in America, but we'll have some pretty cool pictures to look back on! We are officially booked in twelve countries in the next seven months - some we have visited before, but we'll go to new cities ... Italy, Austria, Spain, Netherlands, Hungary, Croatia, Greece, Czech Republic, Morocco, England and Ireland. There is one other trip to the beaches of Normandy that I would love to plan, but it's going to come down to a final budget count in November.
School is killing me, and I should really be typing a paper right now. This semester ends on June 13th, and I will officially have a Master's Degree!!! I applied for graduation, so my diploma should arrive by July. So excited.
For the past couple of years I have been the leader of the FRG (Family Readiness Group) for Vic's unit - it was not my best idea to take on this task and I have struggled with it for awhile. It's a lot of work and not a lot reward, and beyond frustrating at times. I have been trying for some time to pass it off to someone (anyone) who can probably do a much better job than me. My prayers were answered this week by a couple of spouses who are new to the area, and I am so excited to get the ball rolling and complete the changeover.
I have spent a majority of my time in Germany with my hands completely full - school, work, FRG, and a crazy toddler. It seems weird that in a couple weeks I will only have the crazy toddler left :) Although, soon my time will be filled with packing boxes and job searching, so I suppose I should enjoy it while it lasts ...
This is the only picture I took this week ... shocking, I know. E is permanently attached to Vic's hip, and it's hilarious. I wish I could have taken video as well because everything that Vic did - E had to do ... if Vic flipped a page, Elliott flipped the page. He is so funny.
You have made the most of your time in Europe. Great me,priest always. Now that is a cute picture of e. i think he does love his time with his dad. How great. Nothing new from our side of the pond. Keep sending pictures and news. Love Mimi and pa