Sunday, December 14, 2014

All set!!

We FINALLY received orders - after several weeks of back and forth, and misinformation. Vic and I went on Wednesday to pickup the papers, and headed straight to transportation to book our movers, and then straight to the travel office to book flights. Everything worked out seemingly well. I was the most nervous about being able to get Roscoe on our flight. Waiting so long to book - I was sure all the pet slots would be taken, and we would have to pay thousands of dollars to ship him privately. Luckily, there were still spots open, and on a direct flight!! We're still paying a hefty price to get him home, but at least he'll be with us when we land!

Now we're just working on getting rid of stuff we don't need and figuring out what to pack in our two different shipments. We'll get a very small shipment that goes by air, so we'll use that for a lot of clothes, kitchen stuff, computer and a small tv. This stuff should arrive within a couple weeks of us in Orlando. The big shipment will have everything else, but will take close to three months!

We are waiting on some final paperwork for a rental house. It's not a dream home, but it has everything we need to get us by until we're ready to become homeowners! I also locked-in a part-time job with my old company. Not what I wanted, but a step in the right direction until a full-time slot opens. Vic seems ready and excited to start school!

My last day of work was on Friday. It was bittersweet because I love my co-workers, and Elliott loved school, but there was no way I could work 40+ hour weeks, and get our lives together for this move. Elliott doesn't have a clue what's going on yet. He said his goodbyes to all his friends and teachers, and him and Nayeli had my favorite exchange. These two are inseparable - they gave each other this big hug, and then as Elliott started to pull away - she gave him the biggest kiss right on his lips! He was so shocked - he just stood there with a huge smile on his face. So funny ...

We are headed on our final trip tomorrow! We'll spend five days on a road trip around southern Spain. I booked this trip six months ago, and I've done very little planning on it otherwise. We just going to wing it - see what we can see, and relax in the nice weather.

Once we get back from Spain - the craziness begins!!! 

1 comment:

  1. sounds like things are in place for you to return to the states. So happy for you all. You might miss Germany and the places you have seen. Quite an experience. One you will never forget. The picture of E and is girlfriend was adorable. I am sure he will make new friends fast. Christmas is almost here and we will see your Mom, Kenton and Devin on the 27th. Devin only gets a few days off and back to school. Not much else going on. Stay safe and have a good holiday.
    Mimi and Papa
