Sunday, December 15, 2013

Deployment - Week One

So Vic made it to his site ok! He seems to be doing good, and is busy getting situated and unpacked. E and I are good here! Elliott is a little confused and there are a lot of questions, but he really likes talking on the phone to daddy, so that helps.

I had finals last week, and it was not a fun time. I ended the semester with one A and my first B!!!! So sad, but I was toeing the line of a C, so I'll take it. I have two more core classes and two quick electives, so I will be done by June!

I also put in my two weeks notice at work ... long story, but I have not enjoyed myself this school year. I started working, mostly, to get out of the house, and it's just not worth it to be away from E - especially with Vic gone. I'm not really sure what we will do all day, but we'll figure it out!!

In other news, yesterday we went to see Santa! I thought Elliott may be a little scared, but he could not have given less of a care about ol' Saint Nick. He didn't even look in his direction and didn't acknowledge him while he sat on his lap. Oh well, maybe next year!

He was eating a candy cane ... which he was much more interested in ...

Anyway, if you would like to send Vic anything - I have the address, and can e-mail it to you. He gets two meals a day, so snacks and things would be much appreciated. I can send stuff from here, but we have nothing in bulk -  so if you have a Sam's Club membership - you're our new best friend! He likes beef jerky, those ready-made tuna lunch packs, granola bars, pretzels, peanut butter and nuts. He is down there with a group of soldiers, so any excess won't last long!!

I will keep everyone updated on things!! I have to go because Elliott just drew all over himself with a black Sharpie ... awesome ...

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