Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The countdown is on ...

I'm working on getting our cruise pictures posted, but there are so many of them! We had an absolute blast. All of our stops were beautiful, and, with the exception of one day, the weather was fantastic.

We decided to cancel our trip to Normandy this weekend. I'm pretty sad about it, but it was a lot of money, and we decided to be responsible ... for once. We are at our 60-day point for returning stateside, so it's in our best interest to put aside all the money that we can - in case our plan doesn't work like we are hoping. It was a really, really expensive trip - as amazing as it would have been ... it just wasn't smart. Normandy was one of my big bucket list places, so we're definitely coming back at some point in our lives! We still have Spain to look forward to in December, so not all is lost! I got a ridiculously good deal on the Spain trip, so no cancellation there :)

Vic has all of his paperwork ready, and he should get his orders by the end of next week. Orders are the key to getting us out of here ... once we have those we can get our household goods packed up, and get a flight booked. I think I get more nervous by the day about this whole transition ... we seem to think of new things every day that we are going to need once we get home. I keep telling myself that it can't be any worse than moving to Germany 34-weeks pregnant!!

Also, our house phone is broken ... kaput as the Germans would say. Obviously we aren't going to buy a new one for 60-days, so no more phones call from us :(

Anyway, back to sorting through the cruise pictures!

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