So I did a really bad job of taking pictures on E's birthday. I had some great videos of him opening his presents, but I can't figure out how to get them off the camera. Maybe when Vic gets home. Anyway, he loved everything! He got some awesome books, some trains, an art desk, a fish tank, some bath toys, and more ...
On Sunday we just had the Segura's and the Chan's over for a little food and cupcakes. My friend Vanessa makes the most amazing cupcakes, and she was nice enough to bring some over.
He was so excited ...
This is E's friend Kaizlee ... who is just exactly a year older ... and so cute.
I love this picture ... it looks like E is regretting taking such a big bite.
I have had a full schedule of classwork, but I really like more course this semester, so that makes it easier. E is going to daycare twice a week for a couple hours each time and seems to really enjoy it. Vic is doing well, but we're ready to get him home ... whenever that may be!
Good b/day pictures. Fun for all . Yea Elliott! Fun in the snow too. Mimi and papa