So the good news is that Vic is coming home earlier expected ... the bad news is - we don't know how early. Could be in the next couple of weeks or the next month or so. We can handle that though ... and I have plenty to keep me busy until he gets here. I know Vic really appreciated ALL of the care packages, but I would not send anymore!! I think he has enough to hold him over until they give him the word to pack up!!
E has been sick with some gross-ness this week ... a lot of snot and a bad cough. Poor guy. He's on the mend though and there is supposed to be great weather next weekend, so I'm researching something fun for us to do!
Elliott and Channing are just so funny together ... it does make me sad that come August they will probably never see eachother again, but that's Army life - I guess. We will sure miss their little family when they leave this summer.
The weather has been so great - we have been really blessed with a mild winter ... although I probably jinxed myself. We had one real snow, and it has been sunny for a majority of the time - which is a HUGE contrast from last year ... the darkest winter in 50 years. Nice weather sure does a lot to improve your mood and attitude.
I love this view from our walk. This is an extinct volcano about 20 minutes from our house. One of these days I want to hike to the church at the top, but that might wait until Vic gets home!
Hanging in the backyard ...
Roscoe is doing ok ... I have changed his diet, so we'll see if that improves things. He's being spoiled nonetheless ...
I have to show off this hilarious thing. This is a 'daddy doll' and they are completely freaky, but Elliott loves it. It makes me laugh everytime I see it ...
Elliott kills me ... he was doing this with a clear bucket for about an hour - cracking himself up in the mirror.
I am in the middle of mid-terms ... which means I am halfway done with this semester!! I register for my last two summer electives in a couple weeks, and I will be DONE by early June. I can't even begin to explain how excited I am ...
I'll keep everyone updated on news from Vic ... keep your fingers crossed for SOON!!
Yea! Vic gets home early. Sorry mr. E is sick. Probably better by now. Good for you girl. Master's degree in hand, you can conquer whatever you want. We are impressed. Take good care, love the blog, you guys too.