March has been a loooooong month ... a very, very long month. I am not sad to see it go. I am hoping April brings solid good weather ... and my husband!
Elliott is doing so amazing at potty training ... I am really so shocked, and proud. Everyone told me to not even bother until he was two-and-a-half, but he has this thing down!! He hasn't worn a diaper for over two weeks, and he has only had a couple accidents. He does great at daycare, and is doing awesome at letting me know that he has to potty while we're out and about. I don't even need to bribe him anymore!! He can also get his undies off and on by himself, so life at home is pretty easy!
We checked out the pool in Weiden on Tuesday, and it was so neat! Elliott had an absolute blast, and I think he could have stayed all day. They have a really cool set-up with a lagoon-type pool, saunas, Turkish baths, steam pools, etc ... so Vic and I might have to stick E in daycare and enjoy a day on our own!
He was a little apprehensive at first, but by the end of the morning he was diving right in and going down the slide on his own. If you're wondering where his bathing suit is ... I originally had one on him, but none of the other kids were wearing them, so we did as the Germans do, and strip down to his skivvies.
Last weekend the weather was crappy, so we did the best thing to do in that situation ... and built a fort. E was thrilled ... Roscoe? Not so much.
Enjoying his breakfast and watching Toy Story for the one-millionth time ...
We spend a lot of time at the park as E loves to feed the ducks. Usually we're the only ones there ... which is fantastic.
He loves this swing ... I think we need to bring one home with us to America!
His big boy bed is going great, and he hasn't fallen out again! He loves that we can lay down together and read books at night ... and books, and books, and more books.
His new favorite thing is popcorn ... which he only gets if he eats all of his dinner and vegetables. He's watching the bag pop. You can see his potty-stamp on his hand from daycare ... that means he made it without any accidents!
School is going GREAT! Only a few more assignments between both classes and I can call this semester a wrap. I am so ready to get started on these last two electives! I made some calls this week and there is the possibility that I can take my Florida Principal's Exam here on base. It's going to require a little leg work from me, but it would be a great thing to have before heading home. I wouldn't be able to take it until September-ish, so still a ways away, but plenty of time to study!
I, literally, JUST got some news from Vic ... good news, but I don't want to put it out on the blog-o-sphere because we keep jinxing ourselves. Better news than we had last week ... and our Paris trip in May is looking doable at this point. Keep your fingers crossed that this news sticks!
Good news all around. Very proud of mr. E. he is just an awesome boy. No mention of you know who, I am afraid to jinx the trip in may. Indiana high school b/ball is over. Indianapolis tech won the state class 4a championship. Good or for ips. Take care. Hugs to all. Mimi