Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First weeks of Summer

We have kept pretty busy around here! Elliott is on an awesome schedule where he goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps until 8:00 then takes a nap from noon until 3:00. This is like clockwork ... he usually does not stay up or sleep a minute past these times! In between sleeping we go on walks, run errands, or drive to post to play at the playground. Poor Vic is still stuck inside, but he is slowly getting better - and we even ventured out to eat this past weekend.

Yesterday I took E to a playgroup the is organized on post. It was ... interesting. Mostly I just realized what a sweet, sweet baby we have ...

This is the huge hill that we live on top of ... and that is the Army post below. Elliott and I have been walking/running this every morning and it's a killer - especially on the way up.

One morning I attempted to takes to dogs and Elliott ... this was not a smart plan ...

We love the park on post ... it's very toddler friendly and Elliott could run around there for hours ...

Vic enjoying his breakfast on the couch ...

A friend of mine let me borrow her backpack carrier to test out during Molly's visit. This is a super-duty one, so I am hoping it works out and then we can invest in our own!

Elliott has been doing this baby sign language for awhile now ... he can say please, thank you, more, help and all done. My favorite one is 'please' though. It is supposed to be a circular motion on your chest, but he does more of a drag ... and says "eee" ... and if he really wants something he extends it to "eeeeeeeeeeeeee" ...

He's usually more willing to say them, but he has to be stubborn for the camera ...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is a good idea to start the summer season...I love spend summer on the tropic area and on the beach...
