Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Two months!!

Elliott is two months old!! He's up to 11 pounds and is getting bigger everyday. He has started to squeal when he's happy, suck his hand/thumb, and also discovered that he can pull my hair - which has been fun. He is starting to get more consistent with his sleep schedule, and I'm usually only getting  up for quick feedings at 2 am and then again around 5 am - except for the past couple of days, which have pretty much been all-nighters. We had to reschedule his doctor appointment last week, and rescheduled on Thursday for his check-up and shots.

In other news ... after five long weeks, Vic came home last Friday night!!!! He was so excited to see the house and all of his stuff (and me and Eli, of course). He left before our house hold goods came, so he was running around opening closets and drawers like it was Christmas. He bought his new TV, and we love it! Normally I could care less about TV quality, and Vic gets mad when I say that I can't tell the difference between HD and basic cable ... but this thing is amazing! It has all the bells and whistles, and we're still trying to figure them all out. Thank you to the nice folks who stole our other TVs because we definitely made out in the end.

My new hobby is couponing. I have a lot of free time on my hands, so I figured I should use it to save some money. Last week I bought $36 worth the groceries and only paid $5! I was so excited I could have done cartwheels out of the commissary. I also got four packs of 50 count diapers (regularly $10) for $4.50 a piece! But, this recent money saving venture has caused me to reflect on the past year of my life. At this time last year I was in South Beach with my four best friends for my bachelorette party.


If you would have told me a year from then that I would be living in Germany, with a baby, and clipping coupons as a hobby ... I would have thrown my cocktail in your face and called you a liar. I couldn't be happier right now, but it is crazy how much has changed for us in just a year!

Anyway, here are some pictures from this week!

His eyes look dark in all of these pictures, but they are getting bluer by the day!

I love this picture ... he's so happy!

Roscoe has been obsessed with smelling him lately.

He is finally getting used to sleeping in his crib! Please note that his pants are on backwards in this picture ... I'm still getting used to dressing a baby.

This was after his bath and he was not happy with me. 

Just a week and a half until our vacation starts!! We ordered a new fancy camera, so I can't wait to take a million pictures.

1 comment:

  1. He is getting soooo big...I can't wait to get my hands on him!!! So glad Vic is home & you're back together again. Enjoy your mini vacay together & send more Hippos please...those things are addictive & delicious!
