Saturday, February 15, 2014

Terrible, Terrible Twos

Oh lord. This has been a week. Elliott has been testing his boundaries and driving me crazy!! He is constantly into something and always going about 100 miles per hour. He is also repeating everything, and it's hilarious. His new thing, when he's deciding what to do, is to tap his lip with one finger and say, "hmmmm, let's see" ... I suppose I must say this, but it's just so funny what he picks up. He had to sit in time out for the first time last week ... for purposely throwing a block at my head. I only had him sit there for two minutes but the entire time he kept repeating, "ooohhhh Elliott is so mad at mama ... this is NOT nice" ... haha, I see a lot more time out in his future.

He has been going to daycare on Mondays and Fridays for two hours each day. He seems to really like it. This week they learned about hearts, so we made a heart-shaped pizza for dinner on Thursday. He actually ate it this time! He is slowly getting over his pickiness ... he still won't touch macaroni and cheese though. Ew, dat's gucky!

They had a valentine's party at daycare on Friday ... they made heart-shaped cookies and a couple other crafts.

E's new thing is to immediately strip down when we get home ... it used to just be his pants, but now he needs everything off. This doesn't seem so abnormal, but then he's also been obsessed with these yellow rain boots. He has spent the last few days walking around the house like this. Anyway, we made daddy a valentine and had to show it off - along with his new fashion choices.

We're not having much luck with potty training, but we're on the right path ... I think. He's showing off his Skittle he got for going potty ...

His haircut is settling in and I think it's so cute ... it's also so much easier to maintain. I thought this picture was a good comparison to show just how much we chopped off!

Vic is good ... no new news on when he may be coming back though. We don't even have a ballpark idea at this point.

My poor baby Roscoe is sick ... he has some kind of a large (softball-size) lump by his back hip, and something funky going on with his fur. He has an appointment on Monday with a German vet, so keep your fingers crossed for good news. This dog has never, ever had a health problem ... not so much as a tick, so I'm a little worried it's about to all catch up with me.

On the other hand, Elliott, for once, seems to be in great health!! I haven't talked about it on here, but they thought he needed a surgery on his boy parts (yikes, I know) ... and after multiple doctor visits, some arguing, and a second opinion (which is not easy to get around here) ... we decided to hold off on the surgery and review the situation in six months. His ears have also cleared up and his hearing is nearly 100 percent which means we are not going to do a third set of tubes.

School is coming along ... this week was one of those weeks where, no matter how hard I worked, I could not seem to catch up. I managed to get everything done and now I have a couple days of freedom before the next round starts.

E and I are going to get up early tomorrow and head to the train museum in Nuremberg. I will definitely post pictures!

1 comment:

  1. He is so stinking cute. We loved the time out picture and his comment. How smart is he? I think very smart. Love mimi
